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- politics@lemmy.world
Speculatively, Trump might use the Insurrection Act to impose martial law, citing false claims to justify military deployment.
Pentagon purges have removed officials who previously blocked his orders, raising fears of unchecked power.
Mass detention centers, like Leavenworth, could be repurposed for immigrants and dissenters, echoing Project 2025 plans.
Concerns grow over Elon Musk’s access to government AI, potentially aiding surveillance.
I’m thinking he’s got to do something before the 2026 elections. If he loses the House and Senate by a lot, he could be impeached and removed. We don’t have 4 years, we have 1.
Summer 2026 could really suck.
This is the same guy who has been impeached twice.
But only grazed once.
He wasn’t. That was for the photo OP. His ear was perfectly fine the next day.
Yeah - considering his previous involvement with pro wrestling, I’m honestly pretty convinced that he simply got some color.
Just a little to more the right. Thanks to that republican, now the next guy has to shoot from 700m
Third time is the charm?
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It’s cute to think they’ll allow us to vote fairly. After everything they’ve done, you know for a fact, they’ll be going after all the democratic territories to make it impossible to have a fair election. If things are going to turn around, it definitely won’t be peaceful.
We don’t have 4 years, we have 1.
Seeing what happened the past 2 months I think it’s way less than that
From the article…
The clock is ticking down on a crucial but little-noticed part of President Donald Trump’s first round of executive orders — the one tasking the secretaries of the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security to submit a joint report, within 90 days, recommending “whether to invoke the Insurrection Act.”
Always watch what the other hand is doing.
That’s Easter Sunday.
Perfect timing while everyone is chilling with family.
45 days today into the 90 if my math was right
Hmm… I’m not in those departments, but I already have a conclusion for their report: if that happens, you will be assassinated.
Trump just moved an entire Stryker brigade, vehicles and all, to the Mexican border.
I think the clearest way to declare himself President for Life, or at least grab a third term, is to invade
IraqMexico forWMDsfentanyl, provoke a war, and bend everything in his favor in a system he’s already fixed.I can’t quite put my finger on it, but this approach feels familiar 🤔
He’ll claim the Mexicans fired the first shots. It’s what Hitler did in Poland and it’s basically what Putin said to justify his war.
I think it’s what the Emperor did in Star Wars
The foolish orangutan wants to have Iraq on America’s doorstep.
As Critical Magazine states
“Invading Mexico to wipe out the cartels would effectively jettison everything America learned from our mistakes in the War on Terror. It would be costly, both in lives and treasure. It would be deeply unpopular — and it would fail.”
“For starters, the cartels are not mere gangs. The cartels effectively control chunks of Mexico and are in many ways ingrained into society there. They are not a separate external growth which can be lasered off with a well-aimed cruise missile: the infection has spread throughout the body. Wiping out the cartels would require our soldiers going door to door, house to house, waging war. This is not to even mention the massive cost of such an attack. A Harvard study found that the total cost of the Iraq War was about $3 trillion; we have no reason to think Mexico would be cheaper.”
As some guy on the internet stated:
“There are mountains in Mexico as tough as Afghanistan. Mexicans taking to the hills, like the Afghans, would give the US a constant headache until the Americans are thrown out. Remember, like the US, Mexico started as an insurgency. Every. Single. Mexican conflict has been asymmetrical guerilla warfare (heck, that’s what the drug war is in the first place, that’s why it’s so hard - now we’ve just multiplied the problem by sending the entire Mexican Army packing to the forests and mountains). That’s what Mexico knows best. And that’s a nightmare scenario for the US.”
The Mexican military has RPG-29s and the RPG-29 was considered so dangerous that the US refused to give M1 tanks to Iraqi security forces until years later and when they did, Iraqi M1s started to drop like flies.
To him it doesn’t matter how foolish it is, how much money it would cost, or how many lives, Mexican or American, it would grind up. If it’s a viable vehicle for him to consolidate emergency powers, rile up a fervent base, and become an American Emperor, he will take it.
It may start out relatively focused as a counterterror/counterinsurgency op…but once he pisses off the Mexicans enough for them to fight back, he’ll have his casus belli (to his base) for open war. The unrestrained conservative order of battle will make the invasion of Iraq look positively pleasant. It was very common for war hawks back then to pine for the day we could just wipe Iraqi cities off the map and “let god sort them out”. It’ll be less Fallujah, more Gaza.
If he can get away with launching a Special Military Operation against the cartels and then Mexico as a whole, then Greenland and Panama are next. Then Canada. Then god knows who else. Maybe our war chest will bottom out by then, but that chest runs very deep.
Worked for George W Bush.
Did you happen to notice that GWB is not currently president or dictator? Like, yeah he was shitty, but he didn’t participate in a violent attack on the nation’s capitol. He didn’t illegally try to get other states to “find him votes”. He didn’t participate in a fake elector scheme. He didn’t say the 1st Amendment wasn’t legal anymore. He didn’t consider imposing martial law…
Like, yeah he was shitty, but he didn’t participate in a violent attack on the nation’s capitol.
Not in DC, but in Miami many of his staffers were involved in a violent riot. The threat of violence was enough for them to suspend the counting of votes, and after a deadline passed, Bush won with a supreme court decision.
Bonus points for similarity, Roger Stone organized a violent protest (riot) with the explicit goal of stopping the counting of votes, for the benefit of republicans.
Yeah, he just killed a million Iraqis, nbd
Hanging chad supreme court determined victory says what?
You clearly didn’t pay a single fraction of a thing that guy has done, obviously. He was more subtle with his crookedness.
Yes, W and his cronies were more subtle and worked more within the system. That’s the criticism.
At the end of the day, even though W was a bad President, he still participated in the transition of power that this country has done previously. Trump tried to attempt a coup.
We still had elections in those years and Iraq started during his first term. Parallels yes, but a brand new level of fucked up.
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What has 9/11 to do with Iraq??
That was the lie they tried.
That Iraq was storing weapons of mass destruction and coordinating with Al-Queda. It didn’t make a lot of sense to anyone, but dissenting opinions were immediately called treasonous so people went with it. Or maybe not went with it- more like they didn’t know what the crap to do and shrugged.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It was just something Bush wanted to finish fucking up something his dad started and a bunch of rich people made a lot of money because of Cheney’s influence on it.
Yes, obviously. He isn’t just being dumb with the Canada and Greenland threats, he wants to provoke the circumstances to invoke the Insurrection Act. It’s the easiest way to bypass midterms and elections. They know what they are doing is unpopular, they know they are only maintaining the veneer of having popularity. It allows political persecution of “traitors” and “propagandists”. They aren’t casually siding with Russia, Russian authoritarianism is their model. Hope Musk gets thrown out a rocket window to make room for someone more loyal and less overbearing on Trump, he’s unpopular enough on both sides that it might actually be considered good PR by Trump.
Here is what our American oligarchs have to look forward to. That is, if it hasn’t already happened. Is it worth it? You are not special and it won’t be different for you.
Putin offered the oligarchs a deal: bend to my authority, stay out of my way, and you can keep your mansions, superyachts, private jets, and multibillion-dollar corporations (corporations that, just a few years before, had been owned by the Russian government).
In the coming years, the oligarchs who reneged on this deal and undermined Putin would be thrown into a Siberian prison or be forced into exile or die in suspicious circumstances. The loyalists who remained — and the new ones who got filthy rich during Putin’s long reign — became like ATM machines for the president and his allies.
He doesn’t have to do shit to justify anything. He hasn’t thus far.
All he has to do is say “I declare an insurrection” and the democrats will hem and haw while the republicans move in lock step. And the military will support him, just like they did last time.
Oh, wait, that pisses people off. Let me try again
The military will wait for orders from the POTUS to figure out what to do about the POTUS. SUPPORT THE TROOPS MOTHER FUCKERS!!!