Here's the message by Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram:
"😝 Next month, channel owners on Telegram can start receiving financial rewards from their work.
Broadcast channels on Telegram generate 1 trillion views monthly. Currently, only 10% of these views are monetized with Telegram Ads — a promotion tool designed with privacy in mind.
In March, the Telegram Ad Platform will officially open to all advertisers in nearly a hundred new countries. Channel owners in these countries will start receiving 50% of any revenue…
You didn’t tell me how it’s better in any way, and you told me that it’s worse in a very very important way. So… why would I ever use it?
Sounds to me like Signal is still the best messaging app.
Telegram is more geared towards group communication. It has a much better group chat experience and a channel feature that lets you disseminate information in a single place without a discussion taking place. It is better at group communications in that it is more feature-rich.
If you’re doing is 1:1 messaging or have some small group chats with 2-3 friends you wouldn’t get much out of it over Signal.
I’ve heard Telegram is better for distributing Russian/right wing propaganda, so there is that…
nice argument comrade, “I’ve heard”
Its financially backed by the Kremlin.
edit: source
Atleast read the article before spreading misinformation 😮💨, telegram is completely funded by its users.
ther is
to it
Shoes you can express your views freely on telegram, seems plus point to me
Again bs
Russian/right wing