Besides physical violence, the most absurd thing I’ve seen was a man who bought a car after his wife pleaded not to because it would bankrupt them. He didn’t like that she was “telling him what to do.” They had two perfectly fine vehicles btw.
Bankruptcy is so alpha male
Guys who refuse to wash their arse because it’s “gay”.
The sheer amount of self-hatred, insecurity and homophobia caused by toxic masculinity and shitty upbringings is astounding that you’d rather have swamp ass than be worried you’re gay.
Proof homophobes are full of shit.
Refusing to use nail polish remover to clean off permanent marker because that’s “for women”. It’s acetone, my dude, acetone.
All solvents are gay. That includes water, the gayest of solvents.
This makes sense, every gay person I’ve met drank water.
It’s like my science used to say in grade school, “100% of people who consume dihydrogen monoxide end up dead”.
Water has quite a few side effects, the evidence is clear!
Just like how 100% of people that conflate correlation & causation die.
I mean it was sarcasm
Routine colonoscopy after hitting middle age