• Verdant Banana@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    maybe the US should have one set of laws and policies for ALL fifty states including with the justice system instead of fifty different state standards

    as it is now each state stands on its own authority overriding federal when each state sees fit to

    with the fall of Roe v. Wade demographic rights are more of a reality than ever

    want rights that align more to your values? better hope you are able to move to one of the other fifty countries here that do then otherwise you are now a dissident in a foreign land unless you go to church Wednesdays and Sundays and if you were born a man you best act like it By God! and if you are a woman you best be barefoot and pregnant adding to the white populace

    Biden and Trump both represent a white, Christian, HOA kind of United States that does see past man and woman or white and anyone worth knowing is someone you see at Church and nobody worth something is disabled

    Gentrified sterile environment devoid of creativity or progress or any kind of color and only Christian culture will be allowed

    also Biden coming out as everybody’s savior has gotten older than the two presidential candidates - remember when he said he was a disability champion because of his stutter? where is he at now with this issue? certainly not in Tennessee giving fiery speeches and letting these people know he stands with them