Sleeping with the fishes
Oh god
Some kind of ancient forest spirit emerges from the woods, consumes my soul and leaves my body in a coma before fading back into the trees without a trace.
Too many pineapples
Guess I run into traffic, yelling and waving at the taxi that just deliberately passed me by. Then I get hit by a truck.
A remake of Alien but with a meerkat
I’ll live for eternity I guess. Really don’t want that tbh
By Japanese sword thrust
Like mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius, at 77, in Leipzig?
Strangled by my hoodie?
Or you jumped
Mine unlocks the cheat codes from Jedi knight 2. So probably dismembered by jedi or sith spawns
Oh this is an easy one
I choke to death while alone, try to self heimlich and fail. My body is found half eaten by my cats with my cold, dead hand still clutching the offending cheese toastie.
In front of my PC without anyone noticing until days later