If I recommend some software to someone, most normies I know would directly go on to youtube and check some guy using and reviewing a software. The “official website” wouldn’t even cross their mind.
In this day and age if a random user really wants something, they have a miriad of options to see what they’re about to use. Forums, Youtube, blog posts and so on.
If a user doesn’t even bother a bare , they’re better off not downloading random executables from the internet.
The website isn’t end all, be all of how users find a software demos. You seem to think a single website is enough for users to make their choices these days. It isn’t the 90s.
This is why we need an alternative opensource mobile operating systems and fast. Big Tech is essentially a psyop by the US for surveillance.
Your phone number, emails, logins, each have unique identifiers and even if you use a “private” app like signal, they have your number to link it to multiple other unique attributes embedded by Google, Apple, and Microsoft to create a tracking profile on you.
And no matter how opensource or privacy oriented, the companies they tell you they are, there will be some closed source implementation for plausible deniability. like the signal server, apple “privacy” or some shit they have you believe.
It’s like hollywood whitewashing USAs atrocities and the whole world applauding it, but now Big Tech is onboard too. And the world still hasn’t learned a thing.