Bonkers question. Can’t even figure out living on Earth sustainably and you want to talk about doing it without gravity, an atmosphere or an ionosphere?
Bonkers question. Can’t even figure out living on Earth sustainably and you want to talk about doing it without gravity, an atmosphere or an ionosphere?
Trump Derangement Syndrome lives in every liberal that can just say out loud with no reason besides ‘orange man bad’ that the unconditional and enthusiastic support for genocide that already exists would be worse under Trump.
And I honestly don’t believe you’re acting in good faith. I think you’re a disgusting fucking piece of shit that’s just latching your own personal cause (electing a nazi) to the cause célèbre.
I guess sometimes the onion does miss
Wash your clothes?
the joke is no one making memes about the olympics watches them
who’s laughing?
Light beer is good for if maybe I don’t want to get trashed from one beer or rationalize enjoying it warm because you nurse it for 90 minutes
You’re literally a fucking nazi telling us to support a genocide. Go fuck yourself, you literal fucking nazi.
Slice the top into another third for rent
First they came for the communists*
So what you’re saying is I’ll never actually need it and it’s just for players trying to make the game easier
And that if I use it I’ll be without it in the presumably increasing difficulty to come
Capitalism with social programs is better than without, but that’s not socialism. It’s just not neoliberalism.
How are you supposed to tell the difference?
You’re so vain
You don’t think that this post is about you, do you?
my workdays and weekends are such fundamental code switches that most of the time I don’t even remember what I wanted to do