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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It’s not even about the moral issue, although I think murdering your political opponents is wrong. Just think it through practically. Killing Trump doesn’t stop project 2025. There’s going to be quite a few names on that list if you want to solve this situation through violence.

    You have a process to prevent this from happening right now, the same one that prevented it last time. Ironically this attempt will likely just make things worse assuming there is no retaliatory violence from the other side.

    The whole situation is super fucked up either way. I wish you all the best for your country, it seems like it’s going to be pretty bad for a while at least.

  • That’s fair, I think you’re right that it’s subjective. I think Disney managed to pretty much kill the main Star Wars movies at least for me. That said, we also got some pretty great stuff that we definitely wouldn’t have gotten otherwise so it’s not all bad. It was really sad to see LucasArts gutted and EA get exclusive rights to the license for a while though.

  • Strong opening for someone who tries to present one of the most complicated geopolitical issues of the present day in a couple of sentences, half of which is factually wrong. I admire your confidence.

    Firstly it is news, because it’s a new law that didn’t exist before and it could have dangerous implications for any Taiwanese person travelling to China, causing Taiwan to issue an orange travel alert. That’s news.

    Just in case you’re genuinely interested in learning more about this issue though I’ll do my best to summarise why your point is misguided at best.

    Firstly, you did more or less accurately describe the status quo between the CCP and the RoC, so points for that. Unfortunately you left out a couple of things. Firstly, the CCP passed a law some time ago that means if Taiwan tries to change the status quo and stop claiming China, the CCP will invade. So this argument doesn’t work as a ‘both sides’ kind of deal because one side has a gun to it’s head.

    The modern position of Taiwan and how they skirt around this issue is by saying that there is no need to declare independence, because Taiwan is already independent. Which is true by any meaningful definition of the word.

    The next part of your comment is kind of out there to be honest. Even the CCP acknowledges that Taiwan is seperate by virtue of spending all this effort on ‘reunification’. Countries maintain seperate diplomatic channels with China and Taiwan, the USA sends military aid and the Taiwanese passport has a higher mobility rating than a Chinese one! So to say they are not separate is frankly wrong.

    Most likely in your country too. But it’s fun to write out things about the scary country maybe doing imaginary scary things

    I live in Taiwan so yeah, to me China is a scary country. It must be nice to sit in safety and proclaim how alarmist people are to villify the nasty CCP but I don’t have that luxury because they threaten the safety and freedom of my family.