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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • That’s exactly my point. Morals, decorum, ethics, etc., only apply to democrats. Republicans will vote for Putin if it serves their needs and desires. Meanwhile democrats are infighting to the point of taking their own candidate down, even if that means destroying democracy. Democrats need to understand that the game has changed, if they want to win they’re going to have to emulate republicans. I guarantee that come November every single republican will vote for Trump. Why can’t we say the same? Why don’t we stand behind Biden regardless of that one debate performance? Instead we have every Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane calling for Biden to step aside knowing damn well there is no one to take his place. Knowing damn well that Biden was the people’s choice.

  • Backfire?! Backfire?! Are you fucking kidding me legal experts?! So far nothing has fucking backfired for Trump and I highly doubt this will. Just heard the most recent poll numbers after the debate, looks like Trump is ahead and will remain ahead for the foreseeable future. Fuck out of here with that backfire bullshit. It’s been 4 fucking years since this traitor left office and he hasn’t seen an ounce of goddamn accountability and the legal experts want me to believe that this will be the thing? Fuck outta here. Legal experts are contributing to the rise of this fascist fuck. It’s simple, we either vote for Biden or Trump takes over.

    Edit: Rep Doggett (D) Texas is on MSNBC right now calling for Biden to withdraw. Jesus Fucking Christ, we’re sinking the boat ourselves.