Why not? What the fuck did Liz Cheney ever do for the working class?
Why not? What the fuck did Liz Cheney ever do for the working class?
You can do PGO with GCC, though it takes extra steps of course
go back to being adults with differences
This is actually a fantasy state. The current situation is a natural step along the road that Republicans have been walking since the 70s. The Christian nationalist take over of the party happened long before trump and I don’t see any reason why it would recede with his departure.
To my knowledge upgrading to the newer release of any of those linux distros was not blocked by having only slightly old and perfectly serviceable hardware.
DRM is orthagonal to ownership
Sort of alarming how many upvotes this has without anybody providing any reference at all. We have enough privacy problems to worry about without people posting unsubstantiated claims :/
I can’t find anything about it. Claim seems sus tbh
Where is the info about this?
Why would it involve re encoding?
MMA has rules that don’t exist in real fights that almost certainly affect the dominance of styles
I can definitely eat at more restaurants, but I don’t really want to when all they do is slap a fake meat burger on the menu and call it a day
Their existence actually does inconvenience me. They have taken space at the grocery store that used to be used for things I purchased, and some restaurants that used to have pretty good veggie burgers changed to impossible/beyond which I prefer less and also disagrees with my stomach.
It’s better today than it was a year ago, and WAY better than it was 3 years ago, and is still improving. There are a few categories of games where you are likely to have problems though.
I would say whether linux is ready for (windows) gaming depends on is different per person predicated on:
For me, I tend to play some older games, and there are a few that don’t work well. I don’t want to boot windows, so I just decide I can wait for it to get there for them.
For some people, “ready” means will run every windows program as if running on windows. We’re still a ways off from that, if we ever get there (it’s a moving target, as windows is still being developed…)
There is a video
The stuff in jenis sets up a lot of stuff way later in the series
It was target not walgreens, and it was probably not even real. Please stop belligerently pushing unsubstantiated bullshit as if it’s incontrovertible fact. https://www.kdnuggets.com/2014/05/target-predict-teen-pregnancy-inside-story.html
Meanwhile, llms are less useful at helping me write code than intellij was a decade ago
Biden/Harris: [drops the bare minimum of crumbs from the table without pursuing any enduring change]
Harris campaign: [runs as far and as fast as possible to the right, abandoning policies to help the working class Harris campaigned on in 2020]
people that have no clue what they’re talking about: tHe wORkiNg cLasS wAs DOiNG gREat aCTuaLlY