The Purge.
The Purge.
It is. Mother/mom = Matka/mama.
Taking another spin at it: Young seal = młoda foka, which reads almost like mother fucker :). Go check it out on google translate.
Also this meaningless mumbling: “tea who you yeah bunny” is fonetically equivalent to saying “you fucking dick” = Ty chuju jebany.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Wrong assumption on my side.
Secret organization of Christians? Christians (at least those from Roman Catholic Church) are banned from being members of any secret groups or organizations under the threat of being excommunicated. So by the definition they are no longer Christians. They are simply wealthy people caring for their own agendas.
The title is bullshit…
Look up “spółdzielnie mleczarskie” in Poland.ółdzielnia_mleczarska
Milk cooperative? Is this how it translates?
Sorry for not translating the whole Wikipedia article, but TLDR this is how high quality dairy is produced in Poland, where everyone from smallest to larger farms can cooperate and coexist.
30 years ago there was even this now non-existent elaborate network of milk collection and delivery (we have shops now :p) - every morning there was a transport organized through every small or large village where everyone farmer even with only one cow could sell the milk. As the number of such farmers went rapidly down this has stopped being done.
Of course you can still find big corp dairy products in the stores (Nestle? Danone?) but they have a hard time competing and I am not sure but they still might buy their supplies from polish cooperatives.
Where’s Euclides?