Browsing personal sites, especially social media, on a work computer is insane
Browsing personal sites, especially social media, on a work computer is insane
A colorful biodiverse lawn is nice and all, but I’d prefer not to be harassed by all my neighbors, eaten alive by bugs, and be unable to use the lawn for anything other than looking at and feeling smug.
Consider the opposite. Every single person on the planet making 10 posts per day. It would be like Facebook on super meth.
You don’t let pedophiles babysit your kids, and you don’t let Facebook federate with your social network.
I’m liking it a lot. Completely replaced Reddit. Hopefully there will be fewer posts about how Reddit sucks soon as that will start to smell of obsession very quickly.
Kinda like how conservative subreddits were nothing but complaining about progressives, or how r/sino is nothing but trying to shit on America
Uhhhg. Reddit award acceptance speeches like anyone cares.
Magazine size laws aren’t really effective at doing anything. Up in Canada you can’t have a rifle magazine with more than 5 rounds. However, almost all of the magazines are full size magazines that have been modified to hold fewer rounds. All of the responsible owners leave them at 5, but with a minute or two of work you could turn most of them into full size again. We don’t have mass shootings every day.
Gun violence in America is a culture issue. You’re broken.