Your heard it! Now operate!
Your heard it! Now operate!
Might, but I’ll still never touch anything this asshole owns.
You see, that’s because New York is a safe neighborhood. But that small ass town in Georgia? Full of unimaginable terrors. Most of them wear uniform.
Often enough even we didn’t know where we were going. Or where we were. Some creek, forest, who knows. We’d go home once hungry.
Hey government perverts. Keep out of panties that are not on your own ass or your partner’s. And ask before you dive in. You’re disgusting!
I’m pretty sure we’ll grant asylum to all those political refugees. Come to Europe, let the brain drain start.
Quatsch, Merz ist super sympathisch und seine Brandmauer ist unüberwindbar! 😐
We’re in danger
And are impossible to restraint as they are liquid and I suspect turn into plasma under social pressure.
How many did she kill meanwhile?
I did an internship at a vet once and even the fiercest dog was tame and easy to handle in comparison to a slightly upset cat.
Americans, I have the solution. Simply declare vaccines, abortions, whatever you fancy as weapons handled by the second amendment and the hillbillies will fight for it till the end of time.
I’m happily using all the sensors my car offers, even if I’m pretty ok with driving by eyesight. Better sensors that can easily see through fog/rain/snow/whatever? Hell yeah, give them to me.
But she turned him into a newt!
Oh god, that would be exactly what I need right now
Raw Bear Grylls Kennedy I would trust even less than most other Trump clowns, especially regarding women and health.
You make it sound as if it was something bad. Go eat the rich! Eat all the money they stole from society!
Oh no, that poor dude. Anyway.
I see he’s applying for a second term them.
Yes. They’re getting hung by the state. The operation will add up to five inches.