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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2024


  • Most of them were going to vote Kamala if nothing changed anyways. This is the equivalent of a group of workers going on strike. They are doing it to improve the company and their own lives, but they were always intending on returning to work.

    Pinning the democrats to a wall so to speak about Israel is smart, its caused a ton more attention and discussion, and rightfully so as many americans had no idea what the relationship between America, Israel, and Palestine was really like.

    And now everyone can calm down as the largest group has ended its strike and returned to work (vote). Its not stupid to use what little power you might have to try to advocate for change.

  • Maybe some people are just frustrated they are being told that the situation in America is far more dire than what’s going on in the middle east, so we can’t worry about that too much right now.

    Funny how a nation full of immigrants can’t seem to figure out why some groups of immigrants might care about more than just the country they currently live in.

    This was essentially voters going on strike to try to effect change, and I can’t say I’m against that. And look, everyone can calm down now because the strikes been called off.

  • Neither. There has been no progress made. Biden keeps drawing lines and saying if they cross it blah blah blah, and then nothing over and over.

    People should be upset the current administration is shielding Israel, its absurd. Its not the voters fault the government got caught with its pants down before a presidential election.

    I want trump to lose as much as the next person but I’m not voting for the loser. Taking any criticism of the current government or democrats in general as helping the republicans is ridiculous.

  • Sure I follow you but its based on hopes and wishes. You are assuming a green party vote would go to a democrat otherwise. Thats another mistake. Again, this isnt how voting works.

    I understand that you think voting a certain way really means something else ultimately, but I’m telling you that you don’t get to tell people what their vote means. You barely know what your own vote will mean ultimately much less anyone else’s.

    The fact is you have no idea what will happen, but then try to predict it anyways. But its not just a prediction because you go even further. You can disagree with me all you want but its a difference in perspective and neither of us is “wrong” truly. We wont know until the election.

  • You really think this is a situation where they “should have taken their lumps” despite that meaning such a large amount of death?

    Did you expect the Idaho citizens to have enough awareness to not even try to find help outside the state when they couldn’t find it within?

    Or should the government have locked them in at a certain point? Or your government locked them out? Have we ever restricted crossing state borders like that before as a punitive measure?

    What about people who are temporarily working in your state but live elsewhere? Should visa holders get healthcare? Illegal immigrants?

    I’m not sure how you make these distinctions following your logic.