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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • These are not new laws. They are “guidelines” to the old ones. DemocracyWatch and one activist are the ones panicking. The article itself is at least balanced enough to have a voice that pretty explicitly says nothing has changed and this is just the usual theatre.

    That’s the crux of it. This repeated desire to make scary headlines out of political theatre when both sides play political pretend - that one of these days the Mongolian representatives will show up to Taiwan’s parliament; that China doesn’t recognise Taiwan when as you said they literally do every day. All to be forgotten in 6 months when none of it comes true but by then there’ll be another story to replace it. Not only that but you’re not even the target audience - it’s for American readers, who need to be reminded that intervening in a civil war on the other side of the planet is Good and Freedom and Worthy.

    Your suggestion that that is the “modern position of Taiwan” fails to mention that that is the position of one political party that’s had power for less than a decade and whose leader got 6.5% more than a party with a different view back in January.

    I am sure you worry about your safety - I would suggest that being told you are a pawn in a geopolitical game for a dying empire should be pretty scary.

  • Can I ask what the point of this screed was? I’m aware blanks are dangerous. That’s irrelevant. There was a real bullet in the chamber. At some point, even if it was a blank, it would have been pointed at someone and the trigger pulled.

    The point appears to be “check the damn weapon”, which of course you could have said without ‘educating’ me, and wouldn’t have been undercut with going on endlessly about wadding.

    That point is a terrible one because the armourer is the expert, and is the one who should be signing the gun off as safe every time it is opened, not an actor who neither is required to have qualifications nor skills in clearing a gun as safe. If an actor interferes with the weapon, the armourer has to check it again.