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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Absolutely. Most “travel routers” have openvpn installed on them. I have one router set up with my normal internet, and another with a full time vpn’d connection. The VPN router was like $60.

    They’re also great to have when traveling. It connects to whatever random wifi, and all of your devices show up as a single device. You turn off the VPN to connect to your hotel’s capture portal, then turn it back on and all of your devices have secure internet.

  • High school was a complete waste of time. I dropped out 3 weeks after I was legally able to. I fucked around for 2 years until I could get my GED. I took the GED tests in a day more than a year before I would have been able to graduate.

    I dropped out of various colleges for a bunch of reasons. The first was my company expanding and not leaving enough time for homework. The last was the Devry’s completely false statements about their students being recruited to FAANG companies.