But if the Republicans destroy democracy, does it matter if you lost fair? As a German I see a lot of parallels to the weimar Republic and the rise of fachism.
But if the Republicans destroy democracy, does it matter if you lost fair? As a German I see a lot of parallels to the weimar Republic and the rise of fachism.
I wouldn’t be so optimistic. It may be not overt Christian, but the troubled teen industry in Utah has a rich history in child abuse and neglect and lots of dead teens in its past. Especially because this farm is named after the first of this programs. Those are the camps that kidnap children. See this podcast and it’s sources: Behind the Bastards
I’m mean, president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho wanted to help the population, solve the crop issue and did listen to smarter people. He was a bit impatient but accepted the reality if he saw it and could change his opinion. I’d vote for him over trump every time.
Yeah, it would have been nice if he hadn’t done the donation.
At least Thyssen Krupp fucked it up themselves with a botched invest in (south)american factories, where they lost more than their current market value. And thats symptomatic for the current situation if you ask me, most of these companies were greedy and stupid and now the past comes due.