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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You don’t generally have to. There’s a package or environment somewhere that lifted that restriction or force it by trying to do something else. LaTeX is 100% deterministic. Someone, you perhaps unknowingly, told it to put that text there while trying to achieve something else.

    Remember that LaTeX is about setting rules then letting it arrange the text in a way that follows those rules. If you try to meddle into the typography by hand, forcing specifics that break the rules, you will break its behavior. If it is putting text over the margin, it is because it determined that is the only way to fulfill the totality of your instructions.

  • If you’re trying to do something on LaTeX and you find yourself wrestling with the software or writing TeX commands. Take a step back and reconsider. The reason the software is fighting you is because you are trying to make it do something it is not meant for or you’re actively asking it to do the opposite of what you stated earlier you wanted to achieve. Thus creating a contradiction of intent.

    Obvious examples are using the article template to write a book, or using the book template to write a letter. It is akin to using Excel as a game engine, possible, but not easily. You’re trying to use a hammer to unscrew a bolt. Of course the tool is gonna fight you.

  • People would rather have a filthy body than touch their own bumhole. I don’t get it, it is your own body, what is so icky when you are in the process of cleaning it? Would you rather live with a stinking baby with a dirty diaper, or change the diaper and have a clean space? Same thing, just deal with the thing asap and be done with it. This is why we invented soap. I swear to god this is same people who would scratch their navel then smell their fingers, or would eat earwax, but won’t touch their bums in a shower because it is gay. Guys would decry bidets but then go eat ass and pussy without a hint of self-awareness.

  • I didn’t shame anyone. The pal thing was a half joke. I’ve also watched this pattern before, it is not a neurodivergent thing, it’s an internet thing. When you start a comment with “No”, suddenly the comment has a tone problem. While the exact same comment would not garner any downvotes if only it started with anything else but the word no. Simply because, here’s a magic component of language, it is very hard for text to convey tone unambiguously. People can be offended and read all sorts of wrong tone. Regardless of the writer’s intention.

    That said, my original comment was not meant to be shameful. It was interpreted that way, and it is ok if those who happened to read it at the time chose to interpret it that way. I don’t care about downvotes really and it doesn’t faze me emotionally in any way. But it is an interaction that would not have caused any sort of inconvenience face to face. “Mac is Unix”, “What? No, it isn’t because…” “Oh, ok” But I do agree that on the internet you have to do a peace dance before correcting people. Otherwise you are the one who will be ostracized for bad tone. You want bad tone? go read Linus Torvalds chat logs, then you’ll read a veritable asshole over text on full swing.

  • The US has been on a governance crisis for some time now. It is slow and gradual, but they already had a coup attempt. It is the sort of things that is surreal and only possible to see when you look at it from a multi decades POV. Like Asimov’s foundation, it will take centuries and lots of things can happen in the mean time, but you can already see the empire imploding, rotting from within. Rome took almost 3 centuries to fall, and it was more like an erosion rather than crumble. I can see something similar.