or the good old FUCK
reject humanity, become toaster | she/they | experimenting with names
or the good old FUCK
From a grid stability point, you can’t produce more than is used, else you get higher frequencies and/or voltages until the automatics shut down. It’s already a somewhat frequent occurence in germany for the grid operator to shut down big solar plants during peak hours because they produce way more power than they can dump (because of low demand or the infrastructure limiting transfer to somewhere else)
Negative prices are the grid operator encouraging more demand so it can balance out the increased production.
I have not had a need to seriously use flatpaks so far. The software i use is either available as a system package, or is a selfcontained binary i can manage myself.
german programmers trying to translate Unterstrich
fundamentally, an llm doesn’t “use” individual sources for any answer. it is just a function approximator, and as such every datapoint influences the result, just more if it closely aligns with the input.
AFAIK, they only offer the opt-out form in the EU and UK
Note: not every provider supports this.
Also, gmail addresses ignore periods. my.email@gmail.com and myem.ail+service@gmail.com will end up in the same inbox
I raise 10 metre crossbow shooting
I think SFTP would work plenty. On linux you can use rclone to mount it, and Android has many file managers that support it (personal favorite is Total Commander with the SFTP plugin)
You could also certainly host a full Nextcloud instance, but it might be a bit overkill
Ich_Im Echten Leben
A very literal translation of me_irl. Most memes are just regular english memes, literally translated without any regard for gramatical correctness.
It also says “DE” next to the logo, so yeah.