Absolutely not. Available research suggests there is commonly psychological modelling in relation to consumed pornographic content.
It can maybe be a less harmful outlet for people who have the predisposition in the first place, but it seems by all means you can, especially when young, teach your brain to be aroused by neoteny and the subsequent, more sinister things. Given how terrifying the sparce correlative data between CSA material abuse and actual abusive acts is, this is an unacceptably uneducated statement, validifying the instincts of people who should instead be seeking psychological aid.
As for the ‘this sounds like the video games cause violence argument’… I’m worried how some people fail to understand the logic behind an argument and use it’s result to draw parallels to things they find similar
The reason the ‘video games cause violence’ argument is dumb is because the data predominantly shows they don’t. It would be perfectly valid otherwise, so some argument ‘sounding like it’ is NOT A FUCKING REBUTTAL. The fact that even came to mind for you worries me. Please reformulate the way you form your opinions if you plan to share them in online spaces where they can influence others
It’s all one conversation that got long
I comment on stuff I take issue with and unfortunately there’s a lot of bad discussion on this topic here. I’m also scripting a youtube video on the topic because it’s underadressed, so I’ve already done some research and it hurts seeing ignorant people talk about it