Good eye!
I don’t see an umbrella, though; she might just be jumping to her death.
Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
Good eye!
I don’t see an umbrella, though; she might just be jumping to her death.
Who has 105 days off in a year‽
EDIT I forgot weekends, man it’s time to sleep.
I guess so, but it’s still very much a large scale social media as we know it (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, Reddit…), and definitely a far cry from private chats on platforms like FB Messenger or WhatsApp…
Your first three sum up to:
I think OP is set on those in the future, but otherwise good recommendations IG
Really? Because Weibo is much like Twitter or Instagram in China; everybody and their grandma is on it, it has everything from memes to politicians posting their thoughts. It seems very public to me, albeit if you have an account (which just about everyone there does)
What did you mean by isolated?
I can tell you, most of South East Asia operates on Instagram and Facebook. And Chinese people’s obsession with Weibo (like Mastodon) and Douyin (Chinese TikTok) are also on their whole own level!
Reddit, what Lemmy aims to replace, is very much Western.
See, even your metaphor contains US-only brands.
Also, what’t up with Americans speaking in brands?
Why can’t it be a local shop a few streets away from the supermarket?
Geograohically they aren’t, but they’re culturally similar, sure.
It also seems like English changing the letter J from a /j/ sound to a /dzj/ sound didn’t help, going by how “Iacobus” became Jacob somewhere down that line.
What power?
jimjam5 wouldn’t mind the name Saint Jim?
I feel you’re biased 😋
It’s wild that the name Diego becomes James in English!
I would’ve thought of Daniel or something but no, JAMES
Ah, yeah okay, good to know!
My 3D experience went swimmingly on my N3DS 😅
The only 3DS I had was a N3DS, maybe that explains why I’ve never had issues with the 3D while most people seem to complain about it?
I feel it’s very dependent on the person wether someone swears, shouts or grunts when getting hurt.
Why is Independent Workers capitalised but salaried workers isn’t?
quarterly shower
Even humans wouldn’t recognise you before and after that.