But you want the BEST of those people that fit in, right? If you have to choose between one with a great culture fit and ok performance, and one with great performance and ok fit, which do you choose?
But you want the BEST of those people that fit in, right? If you have to choose between one with a great culture fit and ok performance, and one with great performance and ok fit, which do you choose?
Somebody just needs to add a laugh track to American news, and be done.
Never tried that, thanks for the suggestion
Links handles javascript better, though.
I’m currently playing Fire Emblem: three houses, restarted it last month and intend to finish it this year. Iight finish echoes of wisdom first, since it’s shorter.
Nowadays, lying to sell a product is completely normal and acceptable: it’s called “marketing”. You expect people to differentiate between one type of marketing and another?
Guess someone didn’t pay attention when the teacher said “Pay attention please” multiple times.
Like that Kia, right?
They should hire someone to name things there. The only worse name I can think of would be to drop the “App” and just call it “Windows”.