Spending your time making money for some company in order to buy things that have been shoved in your face as needs while also spending money on the commodification of actual needs is more of a mental disorder than trying to live small.
Spending your time making money for some company in order to buy things that have been shoved in your face as needs while also spending money on the commodification of actual needs is more of a mental disorder than trying to live small.
He carries around a human shield in the form of one of his 12 children now so that he doesn’t get Luigi’d.
If the red hat fits…
Unused RAM is wasted RAM.
What does this even mean?
Voting? Really? You still think the corrupt system can be fixed using the corrupt system?
The fields ain’t gonna tend themselves!
No one is innocent here.
It is rigged. It has been for along time. Gerrymandering, electoral college, voter suppression etc… Also, you really think the 78 year old poll worker has a grasp on any of the systems they’re there to help with?
Anyone wanna get together, publicly, and burn a huge pile of Bibles?
Mushroom kingdom banks are a bit slow.
I straight up hate that so many people are just now brushing up against the fact that everything is marketing. Everything is purposeful. Everything is sinister. Goddamn.
Well one is a service and one is a business so…
Weird I thought Trump liked gold.
Have you not been paying attention? Corporations already run this country.
Lol keep buying Nvidia!