Haha. I agree with Doug Ford. That’s some shit I never thought I’d think.
Haha. I agree with Doug Ford. That’s some shit I never thought I’d think.
That whole geography thing only works if we remain united. That’s no longer a given in my book.
Super surprised to see Publix leading this list.
Thought he was a cerebus for a second.
No. They’re extinct.
I read this article just to learn what slur was used, but they only lost it as t*****. I’m just going to assume the hurtful slur is trumpy.
Notorious Liar Says … Notorious Liar Wants … Honestly if the media would only write stories about the shit that actually happens we’d be in a better place. All that hypothetical shit is just rage bait.
SmartTubeNext has been working fairly well for me for like 5 years or something. It’s super easy to side load on a Fire stick.
The article says she’s married, but the husband works out of state.
Last poll I saw looked promising for both amendments but still had Diapers up by 10 points. Who’s voting against Harris AND against the abortion ban?
A few bad actors can undo the work of thousands of hardworking people who care. I genuinely don’t know if the problem is solvable if it requires cooperation of the entire species. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Both of these beautiful women look very attractive in this picture. Kudos to the photographer.
Mine was in the Athens/Acropolis area.