In the USA, you usually pay for garbage collection services which are private companies that provide you trash and recycling bins and they pick them up from your house on a regular schedule, usually once or twice a week. If you live in a rural area, really rural, you might need to handle your own garbage. In these cases you either haul it in your truck to a dump where you either pay a flat rate to dump, or pay by the pound (they weigh your car before and after), or some places allow you burn trash if you’re really in the middle of nowhere.
Sometimes payment for these services is included in rent, HOA fees, or sometimes you hire/pay seperately.
This varies heavily by location. I’m not sure “usually” comes into it. In and around cities it’s not uncommon for the city government to handle trash collection. Farther out into the 'burbs or in rural locations you might have to hire a private trash company.
Isnt throwing garbage free?
(At least here in Greece it is.)
In the USA, you usually pay for garbage collection services which are private companies that provide you trash and recycling bins and they pick them up from your house on a regular schedule, usually once or twice a week. If you live in a rural area, really rural, you might need to handle your own garbage. In these cases you either haul it in your truck to a dump where you either pay a flat rate to dump, or pay by the pound (they weigh your car before and after), or some places allow you burn trash if you’re really in the middle of nowhere.
Sometimes payment for these services is included in rent, HOA fees, or sometimes you hire/pay seperately.
what the hell
This varies heavily by location. I’m not sure “usually” comes into it. In and around cities it’s not uncommon for the city government to handle trash collection. Farther out into the 'burbs or in rural locations you might have to hire a private trash company.
What, too much freedom for you to handle?
yeah we got like 6 companies that take care of trash in my neighborhood
I probably should shop around I’ll bet one of them is cheapest
6 different companies?l that just sounds super efficient
U.S. truly is a hypercapitalist hellhole. I’m so glad I don’t live there.
You’re still paying for it, just with taxes.
In certain countries you’ll get fined for dumping garbage, which is why divorce is so expensive.