True story, I had serious pain in my chest and got a metallic taste in my mouth, my left shoulder started hurting and i had trouble breathing. I went to the emergency room, thinking i was having a heart attack. they did an ekg, told me i was fine and sent me on my merry way. The pain comes and goes every now and again, but i just power through it like a real man does.
One night when I was 18, like a couple months before I turned 19, I was having a fitful nightmare. And mind you, I didn’t have nightmares yet because I hadn’t gone to aircraft mechanic school by that point. I woke up extremely nauseous and with terrible abdominal pain. I staggered into the bathroom and puked my guts out. This wasn’t something I ate or some stomach flu, this was different. I couldn’t stand up for the pain in my midsection. I convinced my mother to drive me to the hospital, where they gave me Maalox.
For 18 months this went on, every now and again once or twice a month just BOOM, always at night, no apparent reason. We ruled out food allergies, I was prescribed everything from muscle relaxants to migraine medications. This interfered with my aviation medical certificate, I was grounded for ten months.
I was at University, away from my home town, and it happened again. One of my roommates drove me to a different hospital. The doc at the ER was a young chick with a nose ring, like I’m barely 20 by this time and she didn’t feel much older than me, she hadn’t been out of med school long. She had the bright idea to put me in a CT scanner while my tummy was actually hurting.
About 45 minutes later I was being whisked into an operating room to have my appendix removed, and the early morning thunderpukes never returned.
I had appendicitis for 18 months.
I’ll outlive all my enemies so I can piss on their grave with oddly colored pee because I won’t go to the doctor!
I’ll see you in Valhalla, brother.
You know all that medical gaslighting and not having their problems taken seriously women complain about?
Men don’t experience that as much because we just don’t go to the doctor in the first place.
hell yeah brother we don’t need a doctor to gaslight us, we can do that just fine on our own, repeatedly saying “i’m fine, it’ll go away soon anyway” (half joking)
Doctors hate it! Cure your depression with this one simple trick! (may cause suicide in some cases)
Unless I’m literally bleeding out, I’d rather shoot myself in the dick than go to a doctor
But if you shot yourself in the dick, now you’re bleeding out.
Jokes on you, I’m gonna I’m gonna die from alcoholism.
At least you won’t die from feeblemindedness or lack of resolve.
Poor web site. We barely even knew ye.
I’ve spent five minutes analyzing this to see if someone’s trying to do a politics
I think the Ad Council graffiti’d their own sign
Its about ignoring symptoms of serious underlying health problems. Its probably specifically referring to testicular or prostate cancer
I mean yeah I get that
But did they spray paint “no we wont” deliberately, did someone else do it as a joke, or what? Either is equally plausible